Frequently Asked Questions
Student Support Units
Q: Who can make use of the SDP?
Q: What should be done in order to create UELA?
Q: How to define the academic year of UELA?
Q: What is the difference between “Primary Category” and “Other Category” of the UELA?
Q: What are the rules for calculating the total number of hours?
Q: Can student support units edit the UELA in the “My UELA (Full List)” page?
Q: Can submitted UELA be edited?
Q: Who will receive the email notification concerning the submitted UELA?
Q: Can activities held before 2012-13 be input to the SDP?
Q: Can credit-bearing activities be input to the SDP?
Q: Can activities that involve salary or subsidy be input to the SDP?
Q: Can activities with unconfirmed date and time be input to the SDP?
Q: What is the deadline for inputting UELA to the SDP?
Q: What is the deadline for uploading the participant lists of the UELA to the SDP?
Q: Who can make use of the SDP?
A: All regular full-time undergraduate students can login and work on the SDP using their Student ID and OnePass Password. CUHK staff can also login the SDP with their Staff ID and OnePass Password, but will only view the list of UELA in CUHK.
Q: What should be done in order to create UELA?
A: If student support units do not have accounts under SDP, they should download and complete the account creation form and send it to for appropriate action. Only student support units who have created accounts under SDP could create UELA in SDP.
If student support units have already created accounts under SDP, the super administrators could authorise staff to create UELA in the “Create New UELA” page.
Q: How to define the academic year of UELA?
A: The academic year is defined as the period from 1st August to 31st July of the ensuing year. For UELA crossing the boundary of two academic years, the academic year in which the UELA starts should be chosen.
Q: What is the difference between “Primary Category” and “Other Category” of the UELA?
A: The attributes to be attained by students through UELA are divided into five categories under the I‧CARE Framework. If an UELA possesses more than one attribute, the main attribute is defined as the “Primary Category”, while the rest are defined as “Other Category”.
Q: What are the rules for calculating the total number of hours?
A: The total number of hours of a UELA should be calculated with regard to the period of time that the activities actually take place excluding sleeping time, i.e. maximum 16 hours per day.
Q: Can student support units use their own application method instead of the online application function in the SDP?
A: Yes, the use of the online application function is voluntary. However, student support units are required to include the application method in the description for students’ information especially those within application period.
Q: Can student support units edit the UELA in the “My UELA (Full List)” page?
A: No, the “My UELA (Full List)” page provides an overview of all UELA of the student support units only. Student support units can only edit the UELA by clicking its “Details” in the “My UELA (Working in Progress)” page.
Q: Can submitted UELA be edited?
A: No, the UELA once submitted cannot be edited. If further amendment is needed, student support units could contact I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development via email at for special arrangement.
Q: Who will receive the email notification concerning the submitted UELA?
A: The staff who submits the UELA will receive the email notification when the UELA has been checked. Staff could update their email address in “My Account” page.
Q: How long does it take for the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development to check the submitted UELA?
A: Checking of UELA should take approximately seven working days from the last submission in general.
Q: Will the UELA appear in the “UELA in CUHK” page automatically when its status changes to “checked”?
A: No, the UELA will only appear in the “UELA in CUHK” page after the student support units release the UELA in the “Pending for Release” page. The student support units could release the UELA according to their own schedule.
Q: Can activities held before 2012-13 be input to the SDP?
A: No, the SDP does not capture activities oganised by the University before the academic year 2012-13 as the system was officially launched in November of 2012.
Q: Can credit-bearing activities be input to the SDP?
A: In general, credit-bearing activities should not be input to the SDP. However, there is an exception for the activities that students could choose to partake on credit-bearing basis or non-credit-bearing basis. Student support units could input these activities to the SDP, but should exclude students who partook on credit-bearing basis from the participant list of the UELA. In order to avoid confusion, student support units could add a remark in the description to remind students of such arrangement.
Q: Can activities that involve salary or subsidy be input to the SDP?
A: Employment/ wage-related activities should not be included in the SDP whereas those with subsidy are allowed.
Q: Can activities with unconfirmed date and time be input to the SDP?
A: Structured activities could be submitted with a proposed distribution of the total number of hours instead of a detailed schedule.
Q: If the activity is not a single event but involves a series of programmes, could they be grouped under one activity and input in the SDP to fulfill the eight-hour criterion?
A: A series of programmes with the same theme and objective could be input as one UELA in the SDP.
Q: Does the new eight-hour criterion apply to activities held before 2014-15, prior to which the related criterion was 24 aggregate hours?
A: No, the new criterion applies to UELA held as from the academic year 2014-15.
Q: What should be done if difficulties are encountered when uploading the participant list, i.e. some error messages appear?
A: Please check if the participant list includes students other than regular full-time undergraduate students and remove them if so happened. The screen capture of the error messages could be sent to for solution.
Q: If students do not attend all the activities, should they be excluded from the participant list of the UELA?
A: Student support units can upload the participant list according to the criteria set for their own programme’s completion.
Q: What is the deadline for inputting UELA to the SDP?
A: The UELA should be submitted within the academic year it held. For a more effective use of the SDP, student support units are advised to submit the UELA before its application period for promotion.
Q: What is the deadline for uploading the participant lists of the UELA to the SDP?
A: Participant lists should be uploaded to the SDP upon completion of the UELA and must be uploaded before the OnePass Password of the final-year students expire.