Experiential Learning Activities
In practice, a wide range of activities/ services are organised by the various units in the University and the number of these activities could be enormous. For standardisation and consistency, activities/ services have to fulfill the following basic criteria in order to be categorised under the whole-person development framework namely I‧CARE:
Experiential Learning Activities organised by the University (UELA)
The activity is organised/ co-organised by a CUHK unit.
The activity is not a formal credit-bearing course.
The activity reflects at least one of the attributes/ qualities as contained in the I‧CARE Framework.
The aggregate time of the activity should be of at least 8 hours.
The organiser of the activity should ensure that quality assurance mechanism is in place as a measurement of student learning outcome.
The organising unit of the activity should be able to produce proof of the student’s involvement when necessary.
Experiential Learning Activities reported by Students (SELA)
In addition to UELA, students participate in a wide range of activities/ services organised by themselves, e.g. student-body experiences, activities/ services as organised by the self-governed student associations or even outside organisations, etc. These activities can also be regarded as one of the major channels through which experiential learning can be acquired. To recognise such experience students can record their own activities/ services on a voluntary basis.